Site HostRachel & Chad BobrenSite host since: 2018 Site Host Contact InformationPreferred Contact: Call 847-894-5942Secondary Contact: Call 224-659-0250 Site Address & Link to Map1708 E Rosehill Drive - Arlington Heights, IL 60004Delivery DayFridayDelivery HoursProjected Delivery Time: 9:20 AMPhoto(s) of the Delivery Site |
Directions to the SiteThis site is located near the intersection of Palatine Road and Windsor Drive. From that intersection, go north on Windsor and take an immediate right (east) on Rosehill Drive. You will approach a stop sign. Continue going straight for a couple houses and you’ll see us on the left side of the street. Where to Stack the Vegetable BoxesPlease unload the boxes on the right side of the house in the large Rubbermaid containers in the FRONT yard. Please do NOT enter the back yard. You should be able to get 10 boxes in each container (stacked with the short side out). The other boxes can go to the right of the containers under the shade of the tree. Where to Stack the Fruit BoxesStack the fruit boxes next to the vegetable boxes in the large Rubbermaid containers (or between the containers or to the right of them), in the FRONT yard, NOT in the back yard. Where to Pick Up Empty BoxesPick up the empty, flattened vegetable boxes from the PVC box storage bin. |