Site HostRuth KramlingerSite host since: 2021 Site Host Contact InformationPreferred Contact: Call 331-276-8956Site Address & Link to Map144 S Glendale Ave - Barrington, IL 60010Delivery DayFridayDelivery HoursProjected Delivery Time: 10:05 AMPhoto(s) of the Delivery Site |
Directions to the SiteEnter through driveway of the house, unload the boxes to the front porch (can also put them in front of the front door, as we are not using the front door for exiting). One stair from driveway to front porch. Where to Stack the Vegetable BoxesAlong the wall, in the niche between wall and front door on the porch – corner is enclosed by 2 walls. Where to Stack the Fruit BoxesLeft of the veggie boxes Where to Pick Up Empty BoxesIn front of the garage – no stairs. |