Site HostAndrea QuintanaSite host since: 2001 Site Host Contact InformationPreferred Contact: Call 847-492-1676Secondary Contact: Email [email protected] Site Address & Link to Map2439 Prospect Ave - Evanston, IL 60201Delivery DayWednesdayDelivery HoursProjected Delivery Time: 1:06 PMPhoto(s) of the Delivery Site |
Directions to the SiteThis site is accessible from an alley off of Cowper Ave. The entrance to the alley is located at 2440 Cowper Ave. This alley is a “T” shape, you will drive in and park on the short arm of it. The site host’s garage is on the long arm of the alley, one lot south of the “T” junction. The garage is grey with a white door and white trim. To access the garage (other than using the keypad), enter the gate (between the grey and yellow garages), go through the side door of the grey garage (sometimes the door to the garage sticks so you may need to push hard to open it). Once you are inside the door, to your left, there will be buttons for lights and the overhead door. Open the overhead door to bring the boxes into the garage. Close the garage doors when leaving. Where to Stack the Vegetable BoxesAs you come in to the garage through the overhead door, there will be a set of homemade shelves. 20 boxes can fit on each shelving unit: 6 on the floor, 6 on the first shelf, and 8 on the top. If there are more than 40 boxes total, place them directly on the mat, along the right hand side, in front of the old bureau that is out there.
Where to Stack the Fruit BoxesThe wooden bench for the fruit boxes is on the left hand side as you enter the garage. It is very important to keep the fruit high off the floor because of chipmunks. Where to Pick Up Empty BoxesPick up the empty, flattened boxes from the PVC box storage bin. The bin should go to the left of the wooden bench. Special Delivery InstructionsThe back gate doesn’t always close well on its own, so please make certain it’s closed when you leave. |