Site HostDottie Zold & Frank AgramaSite host since: 2020 EstablishmentElderberries Biodynamic Outpost and 3Fold Cultural HubSite Host Contact InformationPreferred Contact: Text/Call Dottie (323) 975-6468Secondary Contact: Text/Call Frank (323) 445-9615 Site Address & Link to Map4251 N. Lincoln Avenue - Chicago, IL 60618Delivery DaySaturdayDelivery Hours9:30 am |
Directions to the SiteGPS reliable Alley Access available in back of store (load in steel silver pull up door with painting on it of green and purple ( Cullom and Lincoln – off Cullum). Address will also be above on brick wall. Where to Stack the Vegetable BoxesAlong the left side wall upon entering the warehouse space – midway between back wall and steel door. We will have signs. Painted Window #2 Where to Stack the Fruit BoxesTo the left of the vegetable boxes. We will have signs. Painted Window #3 Where to Pick Up Empty BoxesIn front of Painted Window #1 |