Oak Park North Delivery Information

Site Host

Adie Magnuson

Site host since: 2022

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Contact: Call 708-829-4870
Secondary Contact: Text 708-829-4870

Site Address & Link to Map

416 North Harvey Ave - Oak Park, IL 60302

Delivery Day


Delivery Hours

Projected Delivery Time: 9:49 AM

Photo(s) of the Delivery Site

Directions to the Site

From 290 (the Eisenhower): Take the Harlem or Austin exit (get into the left lane of the highway to do this) and head north on Harlem or Austin to Chicago Avenue. Head east on Chicago from Harlem, or head west on Chicago from Austin. Harvey is about 15 blocks east of Harlem, and four blocks west of Austin. Before you turn south onto Harvey, you’ll see a 7-11 on the opposite corner (northwest) of the Chicago and Harvey intersection.

My home is on the east side of the street, center of the block. It’s a residential street, the truck can be unloaded in front of my home

Where to Stack the Vegetable Boxes

Along the north wall of the porch.

Where to Stack the Fruit Boxes

Next to the vegetable boxes.

Where to Pick Up Empty Boxes

Pick up the empty, flattened boxes from the PVC box storage bin which will be on the porch. Leave the PVC box storage bin on the porch.