Uptown Delivery Information

Site Host

Michaela Johnson

Site host since: 2014


Doveland Community Cooperative

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Contact: Email [email protected]

Site Address & Link to Map

1430 W Leland Ave - Chicago, IL 60640

Delivery Day


Delivery Hours

Projected Delivery Time: 9:05 AM

Directions to the Site

This site is located at the corner of Leland and Dover. Leland is between Wilson and Lawrence, Dover is one block east of Clark. Street parking is available.

It is the light blue house with stairs and a large porch.

Where to Stack the Vegetable Boxes

Stack the vegetable boxes directly to the right of the front door, against the north wall, on the front porch.

Where to Stack the Fruit Boxes

Depending on how many boxes there are total, you may stack the fruit boxes to the right or left of the main stack, or on top of the picnic table, on the front porch.

Where to Pick Up Empty Boxes

Pick up the empty, flattened boxes from the south side of the porch, against the porch posts.