Elgin Pickup Information

Site Host

Sara Sitzer & Richard Evans
Shareholder since: 2011
Site host since: 2019

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Contact: Email both Sara and Richard at sarasitz@gmail.com and celloguru@gmail.com
Secondary Contact: Until August 19th, please contact Richard’s cell with any questions or issues: 815-608-0534. After August 19th, please contact Sara’s cell, from this point through the end of the season: 617-216-4646.

Site Address & Link to Map

1152 Cedar Ave - Elgin, IL 60120

Pickup Day


Pickup Hours

3 pm - 8 pm

Can I Pick Up My Box After Hours in Exceptional Circumstances?

Email us to arrange alternative pickup times if needed. As freelance musicians, we keep weird hours, and are very understanding if you do too! However, arrangements must be made before the end of the day on delivery day or we will donate your box.

Photo of Your Site

How to Have the Best Shareholder Experience


Directions To Your Site

From Route 25, turn west onto River Bluff. This site is located at the T intersection of River Bluff and Cedar Ave. Enter the long driveway next to the large brick house.

Alternate Directions To Your Site

From Spring Street, turn right onto River Bluff. Go left on Prospect and right on River Bluff again. Turn left on Cedar — the house is the large brick one next to the little blue one. Enter the long driveway next to the brick house.

Where To Find Your Box

Walk up the driveway and turn left towards the back of the house — on the left side of the garage is the door to enter. Light switch is just to the left of the door. Boxes will be inside garage. Please turn off the garage light as you exit.

Where to Return Your Recycled, Flattened Vegetable Box

Return your empty, flattened box to the PVC box storage bin.

Special Requests From Your Site Host

The best way to reach us is to email both Sara and Richard at sarasitz@gmail.com and celloguru@gmail.com.

Until August 19th, please contact Richard’s cell with any questions or issues: 815-608-0534.

After August 19th, please contact Sara’s cell, from this point through the end of the season: 617-216-4646.

Be A Good Neighbor

  • Your site host is providing a very generous contribution to your community and to the farm by making this site available. Please make an extra effort to help keep this site clean and tidy.
  • Be sure to check off your name in the vegetable share check list, and in the fruit share check list if you are also signed up for a fruit share.
  • The swap box at your delivery site serves as a trading place--you leave items in the swap box that you don’t care for and trade for something you like. Remember to give others the chance to make a make a trade, too.
  • Be sure to flatten your empty vegetable box and stack it in the designated location for recycling.
  • Please recycle fruit boxes on your own; do not return them to your pickup site.
  • Do not open and rifle through the boxes. The boxes are packed as similarly as possible with great care at the farm.

Thank you!

Site Host Profile

Sara and Richard have been CSA members since they first moved to Elgin in 2011! Besides their love for local, organic veggies, they also are both professional cellists. Sara performs with the Elgin Symphony Orchestra and is Executive and Artistic Director for Chamber Music on the Fox, and Richard plays with the Rockford Symphony Orchestra and teaches private cello lessons. Their daughter, Talia, is 4.5 and is being brought up to love Angelic Organics as much as her parents — “More beets, please!” is a frequently heard phrase out of her lips. And baby Lena was just born last March and will surely try an Angelic Organic carrot as her first solid food later this summer! Also, we would be remiss to mention that, once you’ve picked up your box at our house a few times, you’ll surely get to know our beloved dog Josie, who will likely bark at you every time you drive up. She means well….
We look forward to hosting this year and to getting to know our CSA community in Elgin!

Site Host Profile Photos