Elmhurst Pickup Information

Site Host

Linda Davies
Shareholder since: 2011
Site host since: 2010

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Contact: Text 630-673-3582
Secondary Contact: Call 630-673-3582

Site Address & Link to Map

384 S. Arlington Avenue - Elmhurst, IL 60126

Pickup Day


Pickup Hours

10:30 am - 8 pm

Can I Pick Up My Box After Hours in Exceptional Circumstances?

Yes. If you cannot pick up your box within the specified time, please call ahead of time to make other arrangements. This should be done on an exceptional basis only.

How to Have the Best Shareholder Experience


Directions To Your Site

This delivery site is located two streets east of York Road and four houses south of St. Charles Road on Arlington Avenue.

It is a white stucco home with brown trim and a front porch.

Feel free to park on the driveway or on the street. It is a residential street with lots of parking.

Where To Find Your Box

You will find your box located in the garage. Walk up the driveway and into the open garage.

Where to Return Your Recycled, Flattened Vegetable Box

Return your empty, flattened box to the PVC box storage bin which is next to the full CSA boxes.

Be A Good Neighbor

  • Your site host is providing a very generous contribution to your community and to the farm by making this site available. Please make an extra effort to help keep this site clean and tidy.
  • Be sure to check off your name in the vegetable share check list, and in the fruit share check list if you are also signed up for a fruit share.
  • The swap box at your delivery site serves as a trading place--you leave items in the swap box that you don’t care for and trade for something you like. Remember to give others the chance to make a make a trade, too.
  • Be sure to flatten your empty vegetable box and stack it in the designated location for recycling.
  • Please recycle fruit boxes on your own; do not return them to your pickup site.
  • Do not open and rifle through the boxes. The boxes are packed as similarly as possible with great care at the farm.

Thank you!

Site Host Profile

Linda and Doug Davies have been Angelic Organics shareholders since 2011. We started because we wanted to live a healthier lifestyle. Each year we discover new recipes which keep us loving our box of vegetables each week. Garlic scapes, eggplant and zucchini are some of our favorites. Our 3 boys have learned to love to eat their vegetables. Initially we began hosting because our children were little. It was convenient for us and we were happy to help the farm. Since then we have enjoyed meeting the shareholders. My children also love visiting the farm and petting the animals. Every year, we are grateful for the farm, the vegetables and the shareholders!

Site Host Profile Photos