Mount Prospect Pickup Information

Site Host

Andrea Hetzke
Shareholder since: 2015
Site host since: 2015

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Contact: Text 312-560-7562
Secondary Contact: Email [email protected]

Site Address & Link to Map

406 S Albert - Mount Prospect, IL 60056

Pickup Day


Pickup Hours

10 am - 8 pm

Can I Pick Up My Box After Hours in Exceptional Circumstances?

Yes, as long as requests are reasonable and made on or before the delivery day.

How to Have the Best Shareholder Experience

Directions To Your Site

This site is located at the corner of Mt. Prospect Road and Northwest Highway. Albert Street is one block west of Mt. Prospect Road and one block north of Northwest Highway. If you are heading east on Northwest Highway, you will see Tony’s Italian Beef fast food sign on the left hand side. Turn left on Edward, the very next street after you pass the Tony’s sign. This street has a split, so immediately keep to your right and merge onto Lincoln St. Turn right onto Albert, which will be the second street. The house will be in the middle of the block, on the right hand side.

Alternate Directions To Your Site

If you are heading south on Mt. Prospect Rd., turn right onto Lincoln. The very next street is Albert, which you will turn left. My house is on the right hand side in the middle of the block.

Where To Find Your Box

Shareholder boxes will be located on the walkway at the front door.

Where to Return Your Recycled, Flattened Vegetable Box

Return your empty, flattened box to the PVC box storage bin.

Special Requests From Your Site Host

Neighbors park on the street. Please be careful while parking and driving on the street. The street can become narrow once people park on both sides. Feel free to park in the driveway.

Be A Good Neighbor

  • Your site host is providing a very generous contribution to your community and to the farm by making this site available. Please make an extra effort to help keep this site clean and tidy.
  • Be sure to check off your name in the vegetable share check list, and in the fruit share check list if you are also signed up for a fruit share.
  • The swap box at your delivery site serves as a trading place--you leave items in the swap box that you don’t care for and trade for something you like. Remember to give others the chance to make a make a trade, too.
  • Be sure to flatten your empty vegetable box and stack it in the designated location for recycling.
  • Please recycle fruit boxes on your own; do not return them to your pickup site.
  • Do not open and rifle through the boxes. The boxes are packed as similarly as possible with great care at the farm.

Thank you!

Site Host Profile

Andrea is new to Angelic Organics in 2015, both as a shareholder and a fill in host site. Previous to this year, Andrea volunteered in Chicago at a farmers market where she learned many, many things about seasonal products.

Andrea is a school librarian who loves a good story, has traveled the world (and hopefully planning a new trip soon) and slowly discovering mid-century danish modern style. She also teaches classes with D214 community education, covering a variety of topics.

Site Host Profile Photos

  • Andrea in Thailand
  • One of Andrea's dogs
  • Andrea in Iceland