Wilmette Pickup Information

Site Host

Larry Aggens (with Wendy and Annie Aggens)
Shareholder since: 2003
Site host since: 2008

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Contact: Text or Call Wendy at 847-507-1825
Secondary Contact: Text or call Annie at 847-651-0524

Site Address & Link to Map

1915 Highland Ave. - Wilmette, IL 60091

Pickup Day


Pickup Hours

3:30 pm - 8 pm

Can I Pick Up My Box After Hours in Exceptional Circumstances?

Yes, but please call or text ahead of time if you cannot pick up during the listed hours. Boxes that are not picked up by Thursday morning at 8 a.m. will be donated to families in need.

How to Have the Best Shareholder Experience


Directions To Your Site

Highland Avenue meets Ridge Road to the west, is two blocks north of Wilmette Avenue and four blocks south of Lake Avenue. The house is on the south side of the street, the first house west of the alley.

Park on Highland Avenue (please do not park in the alley this prevents the neighbors from accessing their cars).

Where To Find Your Box

Walk south down the alley to the backyard, enter the brick driveway and you’ll see the garage towards the west. Your box will be stacked in front of the garage.

Where to Return Your Recycled, Flattened Vegetable Box

Return your empty, flattened box to the box storage bin, which will be to the right of the fruit boxes.

Be A Good Neighbor

  • Your site host is providing a very generous contribution to your community and to the farm by making this site available. Please make an extra effort to help keep this site clean and tidy.
  • Be sure to check off your name in the vegetable share check list, and in the fruit share check list if you are also signed up for a fruit share.
  • The swap box at your delivery site serves as a trading place--you leave items in the swap box that you don’t care for and trade for something you like. Remember to give others the chance to make a make a trade, too.
  • Be sure to flatten your empty vegetable box and stack it in the designated location for recycling.
  • Please recycle fruit boxes on your own; do not return them to your pickup site.
  • Do not open and rifle through the boxes. The boxes are packed as similarly as possible with great care at the farm.

Thank you!

Site Host Profile

Larry and Joanne Aggens have been long-time shareholders of Angelic Organics, and site hosts since 2008. After a valiant fight with ovarian cancer, Joanne passed away in August 2015. Larry and his daughters Wendy and Annie, who live nearby, will continue to be the site hosts for Wilmette as it brings them happiness to continue the work that was so important to Joanne and keeps them connected with the Angelic Organics family. Please say hello to Larry if you see him keeping the backyard shipshape while picking up your box!

Site Host Profile Photos

  • Larry and Joanne Aggens