Glen Ellyn Delivery Information

Site Host

Jessica Buttimer

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Way to Contact: Call 630-508-5606

Site Address & Link to Map

275 Sunset Ave - Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Delivery Day


Delivery Hours

Projected Delivery Time: 10:06 AM

Directions to the Site

Our (red brick / beige stone / beige siding) home is at the southeast corner of Sunset Ave and Turner Ave. The driveway opens to the east side of Sunset Avenue just short of the stop sign.

For context, the site is one block south of Hill Ave and one block west of Main Street – Glen Ellyn. It is .7 miles north of Roosevelt Road and 2.4 miles from the 355 interchange.

Where to Stack the Vegetable Boxes

Please stack the vegetable boxes across the open entrance of the garage.

Where to Stack the Fruit Boxes

Please stack the fruit boxes next to the vegetable boxes.

Where to Pick Up Empty Boxes

Pick up the empty, flattened boxes from the PVC box storage bin.

Special Delivery Instructions

If parking in the driveway, please look carefully for small children playing nearby.

When backing out, be mindful of cars turning onto Sunset Ave at the intersection near our driveway.

You may park on either side of the street, but the road is not passable if cars are parked directly across from each other.