Irving Park Delivery Information

Site Host

Shannan BuntingShareholder since: 2008Site host since: 2010

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Way to Contact: Text 312-493-0479Secondary Way to Contact: Call 312-493-0479

Site Address & Link to Map

4214 N. Ridgeway Ave - Chicago, IL 60618

Delivery Day


Delivery Hours

Projected Delivery Time: 7:18 AM

Photo(s) of the Delivery Site

Directions to the Site

You will be using the alleyway entrance to deliver to this site. 3744 W Collum Ave is across the street from the alley entrance to the site. Emanuel Methodist Church (Iglesia Metodista Emanuel) is at the entrance to the alley.

From the North: Travel south on Ridgeway and pass 4214 N. Ridgeway. Take a right on W. Berteau Ave. and a right into the alley halfway down the block. Travel to the garage of 4214. The gate leading to the garage is marked with the house number.

From the South: Travel north on Hamlin Avenue, take a right onto W Cullom Avenue. Take a right into the alley halfway down the block. Travel to the garage of 4214. The gate leading to the garage is marked with the house number.

You may park in front of the 4214 garage or the empty field to the north of the garage, or park in front of the garage to the south of the delivery site gate.

This delivery site is the only 3 car, beige colored garage.

The garage door will be locked. The door now has an automatic keypad. Enter code 2019 and press the lock icon on the keypad. The deadbolt will unlock automatically and you turn the handle to open the door. When you leave, close the door and press the lock icon on the keypad. Door will lock.  Do not lock the bottom handle, please leave that unlocked. No keys are required.

When exiting the garage, please do not lock the side door.

Key/Code Instructions

The door now has an automatic keypad. Enter code 2019 and press the lock icon on the keypad. The deadbolt will unlock automatically and you turn the handle to open the door. When you leave, close the door and press the lock icon on the keypad. Door will lock.  Do NOT lock the bottom handle, please leave that unlocked. No keys are required.

Where to Stack the Vegetable Boxes

In rows, inside the garage.

Where to Stack the Fruit Boxes

Stack the fruit boxes next to the vegetable boxes inside the garage.

Where to Pick Up Empty Boxes

Pick up the empty, flattened boxes from the PVC box storage bin. Leave the box storage bin at the site; just take the empty boxes.

Additional Delivery Site Photos