Welcome to our 9th Harvest Week. Aug 6 (Wed Delivery)
A Special Welcome in our 9th Week to our Peak Season Shareholders!
In Farm News this week, Farmer John Writes what his Mother said about Potatoes.
Please sign up for your free recipe service at www.localthyme.net/register . Enter the farm code AOLTFREE under “My Farm Sent Me A Code.” The service is customized for each week’s box, and will help to make sure nothing in your box goes to waste.
Your Box
Please fold your boxes flat and return them to your delivery site. When folding the box, be careful not to rip the tabs that help hold the box together. Thank you.
Here’s how to fold your box: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-37m7Trp9oM
The Crops
Our watermelons, muskmelons and honeydews have matured unevenly, due to excessive moisture causing early dieback of the vines. Many of the melons are superb; some are under-ripe. The team is doing the best they can to provide you with a sweet, ripe melon, but if the melon you receive is not sweet and ripe, our sincere apologies. You’ll probably get a sweet one the following week. What to do if you get an unripe melon? Local Thyme makes a suggestion this week for just such an occasion.
Other Crops
Best garlic crop ever. Best onion crop. Best corn crop. I don’t know how the farm keeps growing better crops every year, and, of course, not all the crops are better this year. The melons, basil and some of the lettuce have taken a beating from the rain and the humidity. But, overall, it’s an astounding year for crops. On that note, I’m going to give the potatoes their own heading.
Do You Like Potatoes? My Mother said You Do.
Our clay soil is not the greatest for growing potatoes. And organic potatoes are prone to all sorts of insect and fungal disease pressure that could be readily mitigated on a conventional farm. Therefore, I always plant enough acreage for a moderate crop of potatoes, knowing that the yields might come in well below my expectations, or possibly well above. This past week, we did a yield projection by weighing the potatoes from 2 plants of each variety.
My mother often said, “people like potatoes.” I hope you like potatoes. It’s our best potato crop ever.
The Weather

The cool and moist weather this season played an essential role in the size and quality of these sweet onions.
The Work
U-Pick Garden
Our U-Pick Garden has plenty of flowers this week (including sunflowers) for beautiful boquets.
More from Shareholders
Visit us often at www.facebook.com/angelicorganics , where we post exciting farm developments regularly, and shareholders post recipes, tips, and photos.
Box Contents
Please Note: this summary is written before you receive your box—please be aware that some guesswork is involved. As always, be sure to thoroughly wash all of your vegetables.
A Hot Pepper
Bell Peppers
Sweet Onions
Zucchini/Summer Squash
Sweet Corn
Programs at the Angelic Organics Learning Center
Two totally great tomato workshops are coming up! They’re are perfect for gardeners and CSA shareholders.
- Food Preserving 101 is great for folks who need some fresh ideas for keeping up with their veggie bounty. On August 17 from 1pm-5pm, we’ll learn to can tomatoes, and cover dehydrating and freezing as well.
- At Introduction to Seed-Saving, we’ll save seed from tomatoes, talk basics for saving seed from other crops , and learn how to plan your garden for best seed-saving results. Join us on August 23 from 9am-12:30pm for this hands-on workshop.
More information and registration at www.learngrowconnect.org/events .
Sign up for a hands-on farm workshop now at www.learngrowconnect.org/events .
Farmer John