Important Instructions for Choosing Your Flex Share Weeks

Our main season is made up of 20 deliveries. You have signed up for a 12, 14, or 16 week flex share.


Make sure the number of weeks you sign up for is the same number of weeks as the share type you purchased.

Even though each week shows a $40 price, it is not an additional charge to your account, unless you mistakenly choose more weeks than you signed up for.

If You Also Have a Fruit Share

If you are signed up for a fruit share in addition to your flex vegetable share, note that the fruit shares are delivered every-other-week starting on week 2 (June 12-18.) If you have a fruit share, you must sign up for every vegetable and fruit delivery week. We are unable to change the fruit delivery weeks, as these are on a set schedule from our fruit buyer.


When you are finished and have submitted your flex share weeks, you will receive an email with the subject “Membership Updates Made”.

If you need to change a delivery week for your flex share after Monday, May 30, please contact Shelly at our farm office.

You will still receive a share confirmation email in early June that will give you more details before the first delivery.

You will also receive a pickup reminder email the night before each delivery.

Questions? Email Shelly at email hidden; JavaScript is required or call her on weekday mornings at 815-389-2746.