Would You Like to Host an Angelic Organics Workplace or Worship Wellness Delivery Site?
(Before you read this page, make sure you have first read Angelic Organics Customized Farm Share Program for Workplace and Worship Wellness.
We are excited to offer shares grown by our farm and customized to the preferences of each farm share member. Through our Workplace and Worship Wellness Program, members of your organization will receive the locally grown, organic vegetables and herbs that they love, and they won’t receive any vegetables and herbs that they don’t like.
Workplace Wellness
Angelic Organics encourages you to consider hosting a Workplace Wellness Farm Share Site for the benefit of your employees. The Workplace Wellness Site will be located on the premises of your company. This type of site is typically open to employees only, not to the greater public (though your company can decide to have it serve more than just your employees.)
Worship Wellness
We also offer a Worship Wellness program that is similar to the Workplace Wellness program. With the increasing awareness of food as a spiritual gift, it seems natural that a place of worship would consider hosting a Worship Wellness program.

Fields at Angelic Organics
Closed or Open to the Public?
There are two basic types of monitored delivery sites that our farm facilitates: those closed to the public and those open to the public.
Our Workplace and Worship Wellness Program, Typically Closed to the Greater Public
Our Workplace and Worship Wellness Program is intended for workplaces and places of worship that are closed to the greater public. The pickup time at these locations is short, often scheduled for after the work shift or the worship service ends.
Our Community Wellness Program, Open to the Greater Public
In addition to our Workplace and Worship Wellness Program, we also have a Wellness Program for the Greater Community, hosted by places such as yoga studios, coffee shops, fitness clubs, juice bars and certain places of worship. This program is open to the greater community, fostering business, cultural and personal relationships between the Wellness site and the public. The pickup time at these locations will be at least a few hours long.
Which Type of Site Is Suitable for You?
If your Wellness site will be closed to the greater public–a Workplace or Worship Wellness site—then this is the program for you to consider.
If your Wellness site will be open to the greater public—a Wellness Site for the Greater Community—go to Angelic Organics Wellness Site for Your Greater Community.
Complimentary Vegetable Share for the Site Host
The host of the monitored Workplace or Worship Wellness site will receive a complimentary weekly vegetable share for the duration of the current season and following seasons–as much as a $960 value per season–for as long as the site is being hosted. Keep reading for more details. (Site hosts of existing unmonitored sites do not receive a complimentary share. We will be gradually phasing out many of our unmonitored sites.)

Spring Spinach
Requirements for Hosting a Workplace or Worship Wellness Site
We look for a variety of criteria for a suitable site:
- Site needs to be within 50 miles of Chicago or within 25 miles of Rockford, IL
- A minimum of 25 (ideally 50 or more) farm share members is required to open a site. Your workplace or place of worship will reach this quota, with support from Angelic Organics, by encouraging your employees or congregation to become farm share members.
- Compatibility between our farm’s delivery schedule and your site’s receiving schedule
- Convenient access for the delivery truck to unload
- Safe unloading area and pickup area
- No guard dog threatening the farm share members or our delivery person
- Ideally, few or no steps to navigate between the delivery truck parking area and the location where the boxes are stored. This facilitates the convenience of handcarts for box transport.
- Reasonable parking access for people picking up their boxes
- An air conditioned or refrigerated space to accommodate at least 75 boxes (number slightly negotiable) that each measure about 16”L, 10”W, 12”H
- The boxes are typically stacked in columns 5 high
- The boxes are stacked only one row deep so that the labels that identify the recipients of the customized boxes will be visible with one glance, and the boxes will be readily accessible
- Box distribution must be monitored
- Materials and signage will be kept at your site over the course of the season, such as a container for folded-up, empty, returned vegetable boxes
- Site needs to be open for 24 weekly deliveries from mid June until late Fall
I love hosting. I love supporting this form of new initiative. I love being part of the future of agriculture. I love John’s writing and Haidy’s sense of humor. I love meeting my shareholders…and striking up conversations about meaningful topics. I love sharing recipes. I love it all!
~ Nancy Melvin, Ravenswood Manor Site Host Since 1992
Delivery and Pickup Schedules
We deliver our farm shares in a refrigerated truck, to ensure freshness of the produce. We strive for consistent delivery times.
- Your Workplace Wellness site’s single weekly delivery day will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, day to be determined by your site’s proximity to our existing delivery routes
- Delivery to your Worship Wellness site could be on one of the days above or could possibly be on a Saturday, day to be determined by your site’s proximity to our existing delivery routes and your worshipers’ schedule.
- A time of day will be scheduled for when your delivery will be made according to our delivery route. Some variability in the delivery times will occur, due to unanticipated traffic developments or other causes; therefore, some flexibility is required from the site host regarding delivery schedules. (This specific timing of the delivery schedule is not so important if your company or place of worship has a receiving area open throughout the day.)
- For each site, a time is scheduled for when farm share members will be able to begin to pick up at your site, which is typically about an hour after the delivery is made. (We like to have a cushion of about an hour between when the delivery is made and the start of the pickup time in case the delivery is running late.) Of course, your organization may decide to only distribute the boxes during lunch break, at the end of the workday, or at the end of the worship service.
- An advantage of the Workplace or Worship Wellness Site is that the pickup timeframe can be quite narrow, such as: for employees, for a half hour after a work shift ends; or, for a congregation, a half hour after the service ends. This narrow timeframe makes the job easier for the site host.

Late Summer Farm Share
Hosting and Monitoring the Site
We refer to the main person in charge of the Workplace or Worship Wellness site as the site host. This would be the Wellness Coordinator or equivalent of the company, or in the case of a place of worship, the person in authority or their assistant.
Workplace or Worship Wellness sites must be monitored throughout the pickup timeframe. If the site host is not able to also be the site monitor, he or she will assign monitoring duties to another, and ensure that this monitor follows the protocols. Monitoring the site consists of following a few simple instructions outlined further below.
Responsibilities of the Site Host
The site host is responsible for the following:
- Your Workplace or Place of Worship will reach the quota of at least 25 farm share memberships by encouraging your employees or congregation to become farm share members, with support from Angelic Organics.
- Serve as the liaison between your Wellness Site and Angelic Organics. For instance, the site host will let the farm know of any events such as construction, parades, or block parties that might affect deliveries and/or pickups at the site.
- You are responsible for upholding the site monitor’s duties, whether you are the site monitor or you appoint someone else as a site monitor.
Responsibilities of the Site Monitor
Remember, the site monitor could be the same person as the site host. If the site host is not able to also be the site monitor, the site host will designate an appropriate person to be the site monitor, and the site host is responsible for making sure that the site monitor upholds the standards below.
The site monitor is responsible for the following:
- The site monitor needs to always be present during the timeframe when farm share members pick up their boxes. The rest of the time, the room should be locked. The farm is not responsible for boxes that are delivered to the site that go missing.
- Each farm share member will be handed his or her box by you and you will check off the names of those who pick up their boxes
- Farm share members return their empty vegetable boxes to the site for Angelic Organics to re-use. (The fruit boxes are not re-used by the farm.) Occasionally, farm share members neglect to fold their returned vegetable boxes, though you will be present to encourage them to fold their boxes properly without ripping the tabs. (Here is a video on how to properly fold the box.) If the boxes are returned damaged, the site monitor will gently coach farm share members on how to properly fold the boxes.
- Some members may opt to share a box. If they want to split their box contents on the premises, encourage them to do it in the parking lot to keep your site clean.
- You may need to respond to members who let you know that they are unable to pick up their farm share within the stated timeframe to arrange an alternative pickup time.
- At the end of the pickup time, if there are unclaimed boxes, it is your responsibility to contact the members who do not pick up their shares to determine if they can pick up soon or will donate their shares to the site. It will be easy to determine who these members are, because each box is labeled with the contact information of the respective member.
- If you are unsuccessful in contacting the farm share members who do not pick up their boxes and who do not arrange an alternative pickup time, these leftover boxes will be donated/distributed by you to others who will make good use of the produce.
- The site must always be monitored. If you are unavailable on a pickup day, someone else must be designated to be in charge of box distribution.
I love…hosting a site, receiving such wonderful veggies every week, meeting the people who pick up veggies…telling people about the CSA concept and local food, and interacting with the farm. I can’t wait for the season to start!
~ A Site Host
Benefits of Hosting an Angelic Organics Wellness Site
Complimentary Vegetable Share for the Site Host
If your application is approved and the minimum of 25 farm share members is met for your site, then you, the site host, will receive a complimentary weekly vegetable share (up to a $960 value per year) for each year of hosting as long as the minimum number of farm share members is met and as long as the standards for hosting the site are satisfactorily upheld according to Angelic Organics. (Site hosts of existing unmonitored sites do not receive a complimentary share. We are gradually phasing out most of our unmonitored sites.)
If the site opens after the deliveries start, the number of complimentary boxes will be prorated according to how many weeks are left in the delivery season.
The site host may opt to transfer their farm share to the site monitor.
Other benefits of hosting a Wellness site are:
- Boost the morale of your members
- Support the health and wellness of your members
- Generate excitement on farm share delivery days
- Invitation two free Farm Field Days per season
- Build community around recipe sharing and perhaps the sharing of meals
- Provide convenient access to fresh, local produce
- Support a regenerative and organic local farm

Farm Fun
Apply to Host a Workplace Wellness or Worship Wellness Delivery Site
If you think you’d like to host a Workplace or Worship Wellness site, please fill out our Workplace or Worship Wellness Site Host Application. It will take you about 30 – 40 minutes. After we receive your application, we will contact you to further explore a Farm Share Wellness partnership.