Shareholder Visits
Here are the types of visits that are open to Angelic Organics CSA Shareholders (shareholders are those who have signed up to receive a weekly delivery of our vegetables for the season). Shareholders are welcome to visit the farm any time. We want you to get to know your farm and farmers, and we want to get to know you!
Attend one of our Farm Open Houses
Farm Open Houses are a big event on the farm and usually take place on a Saturday in July and a Saturday in September. Our CSA Shareholders and their families are invited to come celebrate the harvest, meet us farmers and other fellow shareholders, and enjoy a day on the farm. There is always good food, hay rides, farm updates, animals to visit at the Learning Center, and more. We ask that shareholders bring a dish to share at the potluck lunch, your own table settings, and something to drink. Upcoming Open Houses are always announced in the weekly Farm News updates/newsletter that are published with each delivery. You can see a typical Farm Open House schedule here.
Wander the Farm, the Vegetables, and the Fallow Fields
We like to make the farm available to our CSA Shareholders whenever it’s convenient for them. However, because we farmers are exceedingly busy and must focus on the daily responsibilities and duties of the farm, we are typically not available to give tours or show shareholders the land or buildings. Please consult the attached farm map for guidance.
Don’t forget to check what vegetables and flowers are ready for picking in the Shareholder U-Pick Field before you come! Non-Shareholders and Real Dirt Film Fans are not allowed to visit the farm unannounced and roam around. They are, however, encouraged to select one of the options for non-shareholders as described in the Visit Our Farm overview.
Volunteer to Work on Our Farm
Of course, there is always the opportunity for you to get to know our farm through volunteering; it gives shareholders a more intimate understanding of how the farm works and of the people that grow their food. For more information on this option, visit the Volunteer on Our Farm page.