Welcome to our 6th Harvest Week. July 16 (Wed Delivery)

 In Farm News

Welcome to our 6th Harvest Week!

Farmer John invites you to our Open House, Saturday, July 19, featuring Farm Travel Adventures and The Selfish Giant, a Free Puppet Play by Blair Thomas. He also invites you to the Annual Farm Dinner Benefitting the Angelic Organics Learning Center on Saturday, July 26. See details below.

The Weather

The season has been cool so far. But, as they say about the stock market, past performance is no indication of future results. With weather and markets (and life), anything can happen.

The Work

Primo (left) and Pollo (not shown) upgraded our cucumber harvester with a walkway and harvest bucket hangers, cutting cucumber harvest time almost in half. Hovering over the vines, instead of trampling them to find the cucumbers, results in longer lasting vines and greater yields, plus, it's easier on or crew.

Primo (left) and Pollo (not shown) upgraded our cucumber harvester with a walkway and harvest bucket hangers, cutting cucumber harvest time almost in half. Hovering over the vines, instead of trampling them to find the cucumbers, results in longer lasting vines and greater yields, plus, it’s easier on or crew.

The Crops…

Zucchini and summer squash are in full swing. Cucumber harvest quantities will double in the next couple of weeks. Sweet corn, melons, peppers, eggplant will soon be in your box. Tomatoes know no shame…have yet to blush.

Emily and Jay Discuss Food Security Leeks

Emily and Jay Discuss Food Security Leeks

More from Shareholders

Visit us often at www.facebook.com/angelicorganics , where we post exciting farm developments regularly, and shareholders post recipes, tips, and photos.

Join us at Our 7th Annual Peak Harvest Farm Dinner Benefit for the Angelic Organics Learning Center Saturday, July 26, 2014 4:30 to 9:00 pm

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Presented by premier Chicago and Rockford chefs, including Chef Paul Virant.

We’ll enjoy a five-course gourmet meal made with seasonal produce fresh from Angelic Organics and other sustainable, local ingredients.

Jeep rides by Farmer John. Live Music. Farm Tours. It’s going to be fun!

All proceeds from the Farm Dinner support our educational programs that build the local food system..


Saturday, July 19: Summer Open House at Angelic Organics, featuring a Puppet Play and Farm Travel Adventures

Note: With the I-90 construction from Elgin to the Rockton Road exit, expect that 45 mile portion of the drive to take over an hour.

11 to 12:30: Arrive (park along the drive), Mingling, Hayrides, Puppet Show & Farm Travel Bring the kids (but unfortunately you can’t bring your pets). There will be hayrides before lunch– hop on to the fields and see everything growing. Travel the farm. See a puppet show. Pick peas, beans and flowers in our U-Pick Garden. (It’s usually extra busy here before 11, so we don’t recommend showing up early.)

11:30 – 12:15: The Selfish Giant Puppet Play in the Woods at the Learning Center Campground. A puppet play for all ages by two Chicago Theater Icons, Blair Thomas and singer-song writer, Michael Smith.

selfish giant

Original puppets and music tell the story of a grumpy old giant who forbids the children in his village from playing in his beautiful garden. After the children are locked out, the trees and flowers refuse to grow and the garden plunges into an eternal winter. Then one morning, the children sneak back into the garden, bringing with them the joyous rebirth of spring.

Farm Travel! Travel the farm with your Farm Fun Passport on July 19! We’ll stamp your passport as you take a hayride through the fields, and you meet the goats, pigs, and chickens.

Stop by the Learning Center for a delicious taste of farm-fresh goat’s milk ice cream.

goat milk

12:30 to 1:30 ; Potluck: please bring a large dish to pass

* The dishes at past open houses have always been phenomenal, but sometimes we run short on food–this is not to be on a farm that is all about food! Please bring a dish that will serve at least 15.

* Farmer John & the hard-working crew say that more desserts would be appreciated.

* Please bring the recipe that goes with your dish; recipes accompanying dishes are a hit. Put your name & your delivery site on the recipe, so admirers can track you down & lavish you with praise. (10 copies on 3×5 cards would be great.)

* Please bring your own place settings & beverage. We furnish some tables and chairs. Please consider bringing a blanket on which to picnic, so we don’t have to provide so many chairs.

1:45 to 2:30: CSA Meeting Offer suggestions about food & farming.

2:45 to 3:30: The Selfish Giant Puppet Play in the Woods at the Learning Center Campground

3 pm to 4 pm: One More Hayride


Farmer John, The Farm Crew and the Staff of the Angelic Organics Learning Center

Box Contents

Please Note: This summary is written before you receive your box—please be aware that some guesswork is involved. As always, be sure to thoroughly wash all of your vegetables

A Sweet Onion
Summer Squash/Zucchini

What’s available in the U-Pick Garden

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