Farmer John Writes: To Enrich Our Shareholder Community
Harvest Week 7, August 15th – 20th, 2022
We are most happy to remind shareholders of the Angelic Organics Shareholder Directory!
What is the Angelic Organics Shareholder Directory?
Our directory is a private online community that is only for current shareholders of Angelic Organics CSA. We created our directory to support our shareholders’ businesses, and also to facilitate more social connections between our shareholders.
You can learn more about the impulse behind the directory in this Farm News post from last fall: Farmer John Writes: Agriculture Supported Community.

from our heart to yours
Shareholders, Please Create a Directory Listing This Week
We already have several directory listings, but it would be great if you add momentum to our directory. We want it to be a happening place, not just a good idea. (For instance, you eat our food, not our ideas about food. Equally blunt: we like results, not ideas about results.)
It is completely optional for you to create a listing in our directory.
How the Angelic Organics Shareholder Directory Works
Please read carefully before going to the directory. There are some important details that you need to know before creating an account in the directory.
There are two types of membership plans within the directory—Business and Social.
In order to post a listing in either type of membership plan, you will need to create an account in the directory. If you want to create both a business listing and a social listing, you will need to create both a business account and a social account in the directory.
You need to use the same email address to create both your business account and your social account. However, you need to choose different passwords for your business and social accounts.
Please note that if you create both a social account and a business account, there are two different login pages for each type of account, and you cannot switch between the two accounts when you are logged in to one type of account.
Amanda has done a stellar job of creating FAQ’s to help guide you in creating your directory listing. Before emailing the farm for help on setting up your directory listing, please read—actually, scrutinize— the FAQ’s within the directory.
We anticipate that many shareholders will sign up for the directory, and we do not want the farm to be besieged with questions that are already answered in the FAQ’s. (Remember, we primarily grow vegetables…and strive to deliver them in a timely way.)
However, if you are truly stuck after carefully reviewing the FAQ’s in the directory (and then reviewing them again), email the farm office at email hidden; JavaScript is required with the subject Shareholder Directory and we will assist you.
Use Your CSAWare Email to Create Your Directory Account
When creating your directory account, you must use the email address associated with your CSAWare account
If you do not use an email address that is in your CSAware account to create your directory account, you run the risk of being removed from our directory as we cannot easily confirm your shareholder status. (Remember, our directory is only for current shareholders.)
The Business Listings
The business listings are for our current shareholders who own or partially own a business. We are hosting the business listings especially to support our shareholders who are entrepreneurial.
The business listings are not for non-profit organizations, such as hospitals or schools, since one cannot own or partially own a non-profit. If you work for Target, no business listing. However, if you are an insurance agent, who has your own agency, you would qualify for a business listing. We know these distinctions can seem a little complicated, but again, the business side of the directory is intended to support our entrepreneurial shareholders.
The business listings are easily searchable; there are many ways for our shareholders who are enrolled in the directory to find and contact the businesses that they need.
Sample Listing
(I will profile more businesses in future issues of Farm News.)
Here is an example of a shareholder’s business posted in the directory under Marketing:
Castonzo Communications
“I’m a writer and communications professional ready to bring creativity and strategy to your nonprofit, business, or personal endeavor. As a creative writer and lifelong Type A personality, I love finding the story in every organization and identifying the most effective way to share it. I’m available for commission on an hourly basis to:
-Write blogs and social media copy
-Revamp and refresh website copy
-Copy edit
-Provide communications consulting around blog, campaign, or social media strategy
-Create basic websites on a budget for small businesses and independent artists.”
Once the main business account is created, you can create 3 additional business sub-accounts. A sub-account is a secondary account that is directly linked to your main account. This is beneficial for a shareholder who has multiple businesses. A spouse or domestic partner can also post their businesses, mindful that one business membership can only host a total of 4 businesses.
Free for Now
These business listings will be offered for free for at least the first 6 months. If the directory drives good business to our shareholders, we will likely implement a small fee for the service, since the farm has spent considerable money setting up the directory and will be spending more to manage and monitor it.
Who Can See My Business Listing?
We will soon offer the option for prospective shareholders and perhaps other non-shareholders to create a guest account in our directory, so that people outside of our CSA can peruse the businesses within the directory, and hopefully support these businesses. These guests will not be able to see any social listings.
Note One Listing under ‘Clown, Puppeteering, Storytelling’ Results
Another Sample Listing
Here is a listing under Dentistry:
DM Family Dentistry
“I am a dentist who is passionate about providing the best service for my patients. I am known for my open and easy-going communication style, my friendliness (I have been known to sing to my younger patients), and my top-quality work. I enjoy presenting all treatment options to my patients and discussing what the best course of action is. Most of my patients come from referrals.”
Please support your fellow shareholders in their endeavors.
The Social Listings
The social listings are for shareholders who would like to learn about fellow shareholders and perhaps choose to interact with them. Most of the details in the social listing are optional, so that shareholders can be as private or as disclosed as they choose. Some of the optional details that can be posted in a social listing are school affiliation, hobbies, volunteer activities, address, phone number, etc.
The social directory is the place where non-profits can be highlighted. For instance, a shareholder pastor or rabbi could post their place of worship in the social directory, since they don’t own their place of worship (it’s not a business) but are affiliated with it, and you can certainly talk up your school or other favorite non-profit in your social account.
The more that shareholders share about themselves, the more connections might be formed with fellow shareholders. Imagine discovering that a nearby shareholder has kids going to the same school as yours, or kids that play on the same soccer team as yours. Or perhaps you discover in the directory that a person who worships at the same synagogue as you is also an Angelic Organics shareholder, and you both plan to attend our Farm Field Day.
Of course, creating a social listing is optional; no one will be listed in the directory who does not choose to create a listing.
Once the main social account is created, you can create 3 additional social sub-accounts. Remember, a sub-account is a secondary account that is directly linked to your main account. Social sub-accounts can be created by a spouse or partner, and children 13 years or older of the main shareholder.
Who Can See My Social Listing?
Only current Angelic Organics shareholders will be able to view your social listing. Non-shareholders will not be able to view your social listing.
A Peek
Without giving away her identity (you can find it if you also have a social listing):
“Angelic Organics Shareholder Since 1990
Angelic Organics Pickup Location: Evanston North
Profession: fiber art and quilt restoration
Hobbies: fiddle/violin, more quilting
Volunteer Activities: Social Justice Sewing Academy”
Interesting interests, no? And this shareholder might live right down the street from you.
The social directory is offered for free. We just want our wonderful shareholders to get to know one another better and to build shareholder community wherever they are.
In Moderation
The directory will be moderated by the farm. Inflammatory and contentious posts will not be allowed. The directory is intended to be a place where people can come together out of shared interests and respect. Shareholders must agree to our Terms of Service before creating a directory account.
Which Type of Account Should I Create?
The social account will let you create your own social listing, view other social listings, plus you will be able to view business listings.
The business account will let you create your own business listing, view other business listings, plus you will be able to view social listings.
The distinction between the two membership plans is that if you want to create your own business listing, you need to create a business account. And, similarly, if you want to create your own social listing, you need to create a social account.
If you want to view business listings, but you do not need to create your own business listing, you can just create a social account, since the social account will let you view business listings.
Please Read This Recap
These are the three main points:
- In order to create your directory account, you must use the email address associated with your CSAWare account.Your directory account will be removed if you use an email address that is not listed in your CSAware account, since we must be able to easily confirm that you are a current shareholder.
- If you want to create both a social account and a business account, you must use the same email address for both accounts, and you must use different passwords for both accounts.
- Before emailing the farm for help on setting up your business and/or social listing, scrutinize the FAQ’s in the directory. You will have access to the FAQ’s once you have created your directory account. If you are truly stuck after carefully reviewing the FAQ’s in the directory, write CSA@AngelicOrganics with the subject heading Shareholder Directory and we will assist you.
Shareholders, Please Create Your Directory Listing Today
Create your business and/or social listing in the directory this week and become more a part of our shareholder community.
We Are Excited
We hope that you will join us in this initiative of Agriculture Supported Community, and we hope that our directory will help to create enriched social lives and prosperous businesses for our shareholders.
Join The Directory (Shareholders Only)
If you are a current member of our CSA, you can create a business and/or a social listing in our directory at
It might take you a bit to navigate the details of signing up, but I think you will feel most rewarded, once you start engaging our directory.
Our Community Coordinator, Alicia
We recently increased our communications team to include Alicia, who has been answering your emails and increasing our presence on social media.
Alicia writes: “I’ve been posting regular updates to the Directory: recipes highlighting a vegetable or two from that week and a few tips from Farmer John’s Cookbook on storing vegetables at Your tips are also welcome.
“My goal is for the Angelic Organic Shareholder Directory to be a repository of information for shareholders seeking to optimize their boxes, to receive inspiration, to build relationship with one another, and to seek out other ways to support our local economy. I’ll see you there!”
Entertainment for our Fall Field Day on Saturday, September 17th
Do you play in a band? Perform magic? Do puppet shows? We are looking for family friendly entertainment for our September 17th Field Day. We have a stage, lights, and seating. All we need is you! Submit your proposal to email hidden; JavaScript is required with the subject: Fall Field Day Entertainment Proposal.
Bring a dish for the potluck. We will provide pumpkins, gourds, hayrides, the U-Pick garden and more. Learn more about the Field Day here.
Farmer John