Enjoy the Healthful Bounty from Angelic Organics CSA Farm

For more than two decades, families in Bucktown/Wicker Park have been receiving organic vegetables and herbs from Angelic Organics Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farm in North Central Illinois. These families, known as shareholders, pick up their weekly or bi-weekly share on the 2100 block of W. Caton in Bucktown or the 2100 block of W. LeMoyne in Wicker Park. (See map below.)

From mid June through October, pick up your vegetable share in Bucktown on Tuesdays from 12:45 pm to 8 pm or in Wicker Park on Saturdays from 8 am to 6 pm.

The Bucktown pickup location has been hosted by Roger and Marina since 2005.

Roger and Marina write:
     “We have been shareholders since 1996 when, with small boys, we became more conscious of the need to provide the best food for our family–at the time there was no “Whole Foods” option…We are happy to share our breezeway space to see more people deriving the same satisfaction from receiving delicious biodynamically and organically grown vegetables and we enjoy participating in a conscious community.”

The Wicker Park pickup location has been hosted by shareholders Frances and Ben since 2005.

Frances and Ben write:
“We have been shareholders since 2000 when we picked up in Logan Square and then the old Wicker Park site. We took over as Wicker Park site hosts in 2005. It doesn’t feel like that long, but we have loved being a part of the community and watching it grow and change. Frances is also a Master Food Preserver, so feel free to knock with any questions about putting up your harvest. We are looking forward to meeting this year’s community.”

Location of the Bucktown/Wicker Park Pickup Sites, 86 miles SE of Angelic Organics Farm

With Gratitude

Having provided vegetables and herbs for hundreds of families in Bucktown/Wicker Park since we began our CSA program in 1990, we feel a special affinity and appreciation for your community. 

Your CSA share comes with a free online recipe service customized to each week’s box

Click Here to Learn More About our CSA Program