Uptown Pickup Information

Site Host

Doveland Community CooperativeSite host since: 2014

Site Host Contact Information

Preferred Way to Contact: Email [email protected]

Site Address & Link to Map

1430 W Leland Ave - Chicago, IL 60640

Pickup Day


Pickup Hours

12:00 pm - 6 pm

Can I Pick Up My Box After Hours in Exceptional Circumstances?

Sorry, we cannot hold boxes after the pickup times; boxes must be picked up during the scheduled time. For assistance with pickups when you’re unable to make it, we recommend paid services such as TaskRabbit or the local bike courier CutCats.

How to Have the Best Shareholder Experience

Click to Learn More

Directions To Your Site

This site is located at the corner of Leland and Dover. Leland is between Wilson and Lawrence, Dover is one block east of Clark. Street parking is available, and a bicycle rack is installed out front.

Where To Find Your Box

Walk up the stairs of our light blue house, and onto the porch to retrieve your box.

Where to Return Your Recycled, Flattened Vegetable Box

Make sure that the box is flattened, then place it directly across from the main stack of full boxes (to the south), against the porch posts. There will already be a flattened stack signifying where to place them.

Special Requests From Your Site Host

Please wear a mask when you pick up your share and do not linger.

Be A Good Neighbor

  • Be sure to find the vegetable share labeled with your name. If you are signed up for a fruit share, your fruit share is also labeled by name.
  • If someone else will be picking up your share(s) for you, please remind them to take only the share(s) labeled with your name.
  • Be sure to flatten your empty vegetable box and stack it in the designated location for recycling.
  • Please recycle fruit boxes on your own; do not return them to your pickup site.
  • Your site host is providing a very generous contribution to your community and to the farm by making this site available. Please make an extra effort to help keep this site clean and tidy.

Thank you!